• NEW!

    New wallet created by CROAT.COMMUNITY

    CROAT Community Wallets


Cryptocurrency born in Catalonia

CROAT, in the same way as Bitcoin, uses distributed blockchain technology with peer-to-peer communication, in this way we prevent the control from a central authority or bank.

Due to its distributed nature, the management of the transactions and the issue (mined) of CROATS is carried out collectively through the network. Anyone can join this network by putting their computer to work, either to mine or to create a new node of the CROAT blockchain. The most widespread form of contribution is through mining.

CROAT is open source; Its design is public, nobody owns it and everyone can participate.

All of the above makes CROAT a new way of payment that will change the paradigm of the current economy and make the social economy a reality.

Download the official CROAT.COMMUNITY wallet


  • You will be the owner of your money and savings.
  • Your money will be always available from your mobile or computer.
  • You will not rely on third-parties
  • You could make transactions wherever, whenever and with whoever you want.
  • Your transactions will be made instantly and at low cost.
  • Your identity will be protected at anytime.
  • You will favor the proximity commerce, fomenting a local circular economy.
  • You will participate in the creation of social aids, simply by using Croat.
  • And all this, with maximum security and privacy.

Desktop wallet.

The wallet is in your computer

Moneders oficials - Desktop Wallet

It is the only Croat wallet that nowadays allows you to incorporate a PaymentID in transfers. It is especially useful to identify payments or to transfer to sites that require PaymentID.

Don't spend disk space. With our wallet you do not have to download the block chain.

The interface is designed for users without technical experience nor knowledge. Transactions are carried out in a simple and fast way.

The ".wallet" file is compatible with the Windows CROATCore wallet.

We have also created an online power tool to import wallet from CROATCore to new (CROAT Community Wallet)

Back up your ".wallet" file and the wallet private keys, your wallet is in your computer and nowhere else, the loss of the keys can mean the loss of the CROATS in the wallet in case you need to recover it.

Online wallet.

The wallet is in your mobile or browser

Moneders oficials - Light Wallet

It is the only Croat light wallet that nowadays allows you to incorporate a PaymentID in transfers. It is especially useful to identify payments or to transfer to sites that require PaymentID.

The interface is designed for users without technical experience nor knowledge. Transactions are carried out in a simple and fast way.

It is compatible with any browser. Easy to use also on any mobile, Android or iOS!

Periodic system backup copies are made to avoid any problems!

Information of interest about the wallets.

In order to have your CROATS saved, it is necessary to have a wallet.

It is important to know the different types of wallets and its recommended uses.

On one hand, we have the hot or light wallet and on the other the cold or desktop wallet.

In the case of the light wallet, this is an online wallet, located on our servers and can be used from anywhere.

In this type of wallet, it is not recommended to store large numbers of cryptocurrencies.

The desktop wallet is the one we have stored on our personal computer, and we can use when necessary.

It needs Internet connection to work correctly, both to update our balance and to make transfers.

Without an internet connection, we can only see the balance in the wallet until the last update we have made.

The desktop wallet gives us total control, that is, at all times we have the knowledge of our private keys which guarantees that, at any moment, we can recover our digital wallets.

This type of wallet is recommended for a use similar to a bank account.